Mijn Herberg van de Ziel
Paula Hina Jampa Dawa Benthem
Ervaringsprofessional - Andragoog - Traumadeskundige- Rebalancer
Droomvrouw van Nederland
Deze website staat onder bescherming van de Serafijnen Orde Engelen
The Nightmare is over

In June 2019 I showed as a Dreaming Woman / Buddha Jesse Klaver the Nightmare of Holland. He came as a soul in my bedroom in my Dreaming Home, and I showed the dream and I helt him because he became afraid and I said 'Don't be scared'. There was a rollercoaster to be seen, and the rollercoaster is now over. It is known and recognized now that I have a function and that I am Dreaming Woman and protector of Dreamtime. I give inspiration as a whispering and in Dreams. No one could understand or see the transformation I have been into to become this. And wrong psychics and wrong mental health care professionals have had a wrong view for over almost 4 years now. And I was in danger of loosing my life, because of it. And now I am save at another place, where they acknowledge my special job. But some visions have been there and were not listened too, so I have to see if I can forgive the the people who neglected the visions. But my Jampa Dawa part doesn't like to stand still and can forgive these people who thought they could take it over. And I can also forgive the people who said very wrong things about me, that was not true. My Jampa Dawa part forgives with 'Om Mani Padme Hum'.
In these last days I had a dream about Magnolia Flowers and trees, several of them. I see them as a very clear statement that in my life springtime is coming. The winter period of staying alive and enduring many difficulties is over. And my inner Magnolia Tree is blossoming.
And also I saw In my spirit a 'Pelikaan', she was flying next to me as a Totem Animal. And it stands for renewed resilience and selflessness. The 'Pelikaan' is a symbol of overcoming the most difficult living circumstances with resilience. How heavy it is or how deep you dive under the water, you can rise and shine again. She learns how to come over difficult circumstances that are heavy, and we can free ourselves from that (resource 'Luisteren naar Dieren' van Ted Andrews)
But right now I am recognized by the people that take care of me with my true talents and my true function, protecting 'DreamTime', the collective spirit of our human and earth consciousness. Where ideas unfold in the psyche of individuals.
My Tibetan name Jampa Dawa have been slaughtered, but is truly to shine as Moon of Love in the unconsciousness of people who have refuge and give 'Healthy Inspiration' and Healthy Dreams. And I am save now to do that from a new little home.
I look forward to let my talents blossom with the right people at the right place. That is where my focus will be for the next months. I have a few places in mind. But I hope my soulcompagnions will come and give me a new position in my life.
Thank you for reading and look at my websites
Namaste and Aho, Amen.
Paula Jampa Dawa Hina Benthem